RiskPal Feature Roundup

Published On: May 2, 2023Categories: Feature Updates

RiskPal has multiple features that ease risk assessment workflow and bolster organisational risk management.

This diverse feature suite, smart design and ease of use, all combine to encourage team collaboration and improve the overall quality of risk assessments.

Watch the feature roundup >

Risk Assessment Register

The Register allows you to easily store, search and find all your risk assessments in one digital archive. This saves time looking for old documents and gives you oversight of all your projects.

Feature Roundup_Feature Risk Assessment Register

Integrated Approval & Notifications

Integrated approvals enhance team collaboration and speed-up risk assessment approval. Communications and edits are logged, giving you instant visibility over risk assessment progress.

Feature Roundup Feature - Approval logs

Activity Risk Guidance Library

The Activity Risk Guidance Risk Library contains a database of health, safety, and travel advice that you can search and include in your risk assessments. It is highly configurable, allowing you to manage all your advice and protocols in a central database.

Feature Roundup Feature - The Risk Library

Data Analytics

The Data Analytics suite offers instant report building capability in a single dashboard, eliminating the need for manual data compilation. This feature gives you data insights into risk activities, risk assessment behaviour and trends.

Feature Roundup Feature - Analytics

Country Threat Profiles

The Country Threat Profiles feature provide an overview of the threat environment and summary of recent incidents. RiskPal users can also configure the Country Profiles to include their own internal intelligence, experiences and travel protocols.

Feature Roundup Feature - Country Profiles

Risk Matrix & Residual Risk

The Risk Matrix feature aids in prioritising risks that need immediate attention by visually categorising them based on their likelihood and impact. The Residual Risk Scoring feature then quantifies the remaining risk after controls have been applied, ensuring that mitigation efforts are effective and identifying areas that may still require further action.

Supplier Database & Staff Feedback

RiskPal’s Supplier Database allows users to create and share a list of preferred third parties and avoid unsafe or expensive providers. Automated feedback processes prompt users to share information on destination safety and rate external suppliers, helping to build a great source of trusted, peer-created knowledge inside your organisation.

Feature Roundup Feature - Supplier Comments

Emergency Profiles

The Emergency Profiles feature ensures that you have all essential profile information at your fingertips during a crisis. The platform’s consent, authorisation and notification procedures ensure GDPR compliance.

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